The Thrill of Hope

Nobody likes to wait and it has only gotten worse.  In this day when we can get just about anything on demand.  If we want to watch a movie, go rent it from iTunes; go watch it on Netflix.  If you want something, just get on Amazon and you can have just about anything that same day, without even leaving the comfort of your own home.  We just pop some food in the microwave and voila, it’s done.  Nobody likes to wait and its only gotten worse.

God had made a promise to Adam and Eve and they didn’t really want to wait either.  In fact, some commentators think that when Eve gives birth to Cain (her first born son) she said, “I have begotten a man, the Lord.”  She so believed God’s promise about a snake crusher that she expected God to give that snake crusher immediately, as the first fruit of her womb.  They didn’t want to wait, but they were going to have to wait for nearly 4000 years before the promise of the Messiah would finally come to fruition.

The coming of John the Baptist was and remains a signal that the promise was coming true. This Sunday, the message and the person of John the Baptist is front and center for us. We’ll be looking at Luke 3:1-18.

DON’T FORGET! The chili cook-off is right after worship. Can’t wait! But I guess I will. See you this weekend.

Pastor Nate

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