This Weekend at the Mount - 11/28/21

When a father and a mother have their child back in their arms after a surgery, joy, delight and quiet contemplation fill their hearts. When a husband embraces his wounded wife, such care fills his heart. When a soldier accomplishes his mission and sets the captive free, such relief overwhelms him. When God has his people back, joy, delight and comtemplation overwhelms him and so he sings. In this final sermon on Zephaniah, we start to see our lives from God's perspective and gain a view of his heart as he sings over us.

When the Father is quiet over us in quiet contemplation, when he sings his victory song over us, then we have great peace and joy as well. See, here is a second way to read and enjoy the message of Zephaniah. The first way is to hear the judgment and rebuke and the call to repentance that God gives to his people. That is a hard message and one we must hear and take to heart. The second way is to situate ourselves among the faithful of God’s people. After all, that is who we are. Yes, there is a group of un-repentant all around us. But that’s not us. Here in Zephaniah God brings a word of comfort to his faithful people. Rescue is coming. Restoration is coming. I will come like a mighty warrior to rescue you, he says. They will no longer oppress you. This is the second way to read and enjoy the message of Zephaniah. This is the perspective we’ll take as we get into Zephaniah 3 this weekend.

We are his!

Pastor Nate

PS. Don’t forget! Carol/hymn sing begins this weekend at the start of worship. Don’t be late!

PPS. Here you will find “the Mount Weekly” with all its news and notes.