Reformation Sunday!!


Martin Luther once said, “Peace if possible; truth at all costs.”  Why does the truth of God’s Word and true, biblical teaching matter so much that we would lose everything to keep it? In this series we explore some of the things that Jesus said about truth and learn why it matters so much that we will die to hold it and give up all things in order to share it. 

Truth and Freedom (John 8:31-36)

In the background of our minds and often subconsciously certain lies live. There are lies about God and how to be right with him. There are lies about the reason things happen in our lives. The lies must be exposed and, daily, we must hold to the truth Jesus gives us. Only there will we find and have true freedom. This is what Luther did for us in the Reformation. This is what we continue to do as we set forth the truth plainly.

This Sunday we celebrate the faith that has been handed down to in the Scriptures and taught by faithful men, like Martin Luther. We call it “Reformation Sunday” because the truth of the Scriptures was hidden for many years and many people lived in bondage. But then the truth of the Scriptures was brought out by Martin Luther and God’s people were set free. The truth sets us free!

Check out “The Mount Weekly” for all other news and notes.