Martin Luther once said, “Peace if possible; truth at all costs.” Why does the truth of God’s Word and true, biblical teaching matter so much that we would lose everything to keep it? In this series, we explore some of the things that Jesus said about truth, how to use it, how to balance it, and the blessings it brings. In so doing, we will learn why it matters so much that we will die to hold it and give up all things in order to share it.
Week #1: Truth and Grace (John 8:1-11)
As we seek to handle the truth we are often torn between loving people and loving the passage. If we love the people, we might have to give up some of the truth. If we love the truth, we might have to give up on people. But Jesus shows us another way. In a dramatic living out of his purpose, Jesus loved both the passage and the person. He showed that he truly had come from the Father full of truth and grace.
DHL - Disciples, Heirs, Leaders Sunday.
In this special service on Sunday, October 17, our scholars and students will serve us in worship and we’ll celebrate God’s grace to us in our outreach ministry at our school. After worship, we’ll join our hands together and make some sack lunches for several shelters around the city. We’d love for you to join us.
For all other news and notes, please see “The Mount Weekly.”