COVID-19 Return Guidelines:

Dear Mount Family,

Beginning this Sunday, May 17, we are going to start holding small group devotions here at Mt. Lebanon.  These devotions will provide an opportunity to receive the Lord’s Supper.  They will have only a brief devotion and are intended to be a supplement to (and not a replacement of) our regular, online Sunday worship service.

This Sunday we will have two devotion times on Sunday at 8:00am and 11:00am.  Beginning next weekend, we will have one additional time slot at 5:30pm on Saturday.  We want to be as prudent and as safe as possible with these gatherings and will be strictly adhering to government restrictions.  As such each group may currently consist of only nine (9) members at most.  We (Pastors Bourman and Krueger) will be reaching out to you to see when and if you would like to come.  

We hope to bring this opportunity to everyone as quickly as possible but please bear with us patiently as it will take a number of weeks to cycle through everyone!

Please understand that while this is something that we are offering you need not feel that you would be under obligation to come.  We want everyone to be aware of their own level of risk/vulnerability and only to come to church if it is something you feel comfortable doing.

The attached document lays out in detail the safety measures that will be taken to ensure that those in attendance are at the least amount of risk.  

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Bourman or Pastor Krueger.