The Mount Weekly - 3/20/20

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Dear Family,

As you, no doubt, know by now we are not able to gather together as a body of believers as we would love to be able to do. In the meantime, we are working hard to provide God’s Word for you in your homes.   Please let us know how we might best serve you and your family with God’s Word during this time.  You may contact us at any of the numbers or email addresses here.

Please let us know how we might serve you better.  We will also be contacting you to know how we can pray for you and support you spiritually and physically. 

Below you will find all the ways that you can get connected to God’s Word.

The Lord is with you all.

We are and remain in his grip!  Pastor Bourman

Prayer for Comfort in Adversity and True Peace of Conscience

From “The Daily Exercise of Piety” by Johann Gerhard

 O kindest Father, God of all hope and comfort [2 Cor. 1:3], grant to me life-giving comfort and true peace of conscience in all the difficulties of life.  My heart is full of anxieties, but your comforts are able to delight my soul [Psa. 94:19].  All the comfort of the world is empty and futile.  In you alone is strength and support for my soul.  The weight of all sorts of misfortunes weighs heavy on me, but by Your encouragement and comfort within, the burden is lightened.  Nothing in all creation can bring me down and sadden me so much that You cannot gladden me by your Spirit of joy [Psa. 51:12].  No adversity can so surround and capture me that my heart cannot be freed by your grace.  The heat of various afflictions harasses me, but the taste of your sweetness brings me cool consolation.  The tears stream from my eyes, but your gracious hand wipes them away [Rev. 7:17]. Just as you allowed Stephen, the first martyr, to see your gracious face in the midst of those who were stoning him [Acts 7:56], so also allow me, wretch that I am, the full enjoyment of your comfort even though I am surrounded by misfortune.  Just as you sent a consoling angel to your Son in the most bitter agony of death [Luke 22:43], so you also send me your sustaining Spirit in my struggle.  Without your strength I would break under the weight of the cross.  Without your help I would be destroyed by the attack of numerous adversities.

Extinguish in me love of the world and created things, so that the misfortune of the world and the changeableness of created things will bring me no bitterness.  He who in his heart clings to the world and created things will be able to become a partaker of true and undisturbed peace.  All earthly things are subject to the continual variations of change.  And he who does not cling to the things of this present life with undue love, will not be tormented by overwhelming anxiety, when these things are lost. Please, O God, cast out the love and desire of the world, so that like you filled the widow’s jar through the prophet Elijah, the soul forsaken of earthly comfort may be filled with the oil of joy [2 Kin. 4:3; Psa 45:7].  All earthly things may be thrown into disorder, changed, and rolled back and forth.  But still, you are the immoveable Rock and most solid Stone of my soul.  Can a beggarly and weak “thing” disturb the peace of my soul which I possess sure and immovable in you [Psa. 73:25]? Can the waves of the world, even of its most turbulent seas, overthrow the Rock of my heart [Psa. 18:2, 19:14], which I have firm in you, the highest and unchangeable Good?  Surely your peace surpasses all understanding [Phi 4:7].  That same peace will also overcome every attack of misfortune.  I beg you with humble sighs for that inner peace.  Amen.

ONLINE Bible Studies

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Sunday 3/22 

Topic: Sunday Recap and Prayer Service

Time: 10:30 AM Central Time 

Join Zoom Meeting ONLINE:

Join Zoom Study BY PHONE: Call +1 312 626 6799 US

Meeting ID: 622 917 861

Wednesday 3/25

Topic: Worship Recap and Prayer Service

07:30 PM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting ONLINE:

Join Zoom Study BY PHONE: Call +1 312 626 6799 US

Meeting ID: 291 263 262

Devotional Worship Services

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LIVE Devotional Worship Services

Sundays at 9:30 am (3/22 and 3/29)

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm (3/25, and 4/1)

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Mt. Lebanon Church

We are working on going LIVE there.  Updates will be posted on our Facebook page.

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 ARCHIVED Devotions and Sermons