A Multiplication of Gifts


This Sunday (10/20) we are continuing our walk through Jude in our series called: "Fight for the Faith."

The fight is intense.  The fight is life-long.  And because it is we constantly need God’s support, his mercy and grace, poured out and multiplied to us.  And this is Jude’s prayer: “May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.”

Jude is saying that you already have mercy, peace, and love. And he wants, wishes and even prays that this would be multiplied to you and would abound for you.  In other words, Jude is saying, “You already have all this and I’m desiring that you would have all of this and even more of it! 

We are often under attack and we need God’s mercy poured out on us because we’re not going to make it without him and without his gifts

Mercy – Mercy requires us to sit in a position of dependence and need. Mercy, compassion, pity.  The church on earth and each member of that church needs this.  The church looks down and out for so many reasons.  The people in God’s church are in trouble.  We need God to multiply his mercy to us because we’re not going to make it without his intervention.

Peace – We have peace, but we’re longing for even more, for a sense of wholeness and completeness. For Shalom.  We want to know what to do and how to do it. We want more and more to have peace and a sense of this is the way God wants me to live.  We need God to fill our hearts with peace as we put our trust in him.

Love – We have love from God.  We have love for God and for each other, but we’re not always good at showing this. We need more love from God and so also more love for God and for each other.

We long for a multiplication of God’s gifts to us as we enter this fight for the faith.  And our God, who is faithful, will not let us down.  He will pour out a multiplication of gifts on you.