Armor Up #1 - The Belt of Truth

“Armor up” urges us to take up the full armor of God, to put it on and be ready for the spiritual battle that Satan and his forces bring to our door day after day. We will consider carefully the words of Paul who says, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Eph 6:11). Today, we’ll consider the “belt of truth.” We have God’s truth so that we can stand against the Devil’s lies.

Under God #2 - Habits of the Home

Today, we’re continuing to look at our life “Under God.” We’ll specifically consider our family lives under his care and rule. Children, God has something to teach you about living under your parents whom God has given to you. Parents, God has something to teach you about your care for the children he has given you. To all of us, God has something to teach us about the spiritual practices we carry out.

Under God #1 - Long live the King

We’re starting a new series today. Quite simply, it will be a series that looks at the kingdom of God. It will be a look at the kingdom of God and all the other kingdoms of this world. In short, it will be a look at the Second Petition. In this petition, we pray that God’s kingdom will come. It will also look at the Fourth Commandment. In this commandment, God calls us to honor our father and mother, i.e., to honor, obey, and respect all those who are in authority over us. He teaches us how to live in other kingdoms.

Under God is a series that calls us to live under God in his kingdom and under those He has placed over us. That’s what we’ll be looking at and considering over the next couple of weeks. Today, we want to consider the kingdom of God. To do that, we’ll learn to sing Psalm 72, at least in our hearts, as we cry out, “Long live the King!”

Love with Skin on #4 - Confidence

The testimony is clear. Jesus is the Son of God, and he has overcome the world. The Spirit also testifies about Jesus. That is what this entire letter has been all about: “So that you may know that you have eternal life” (5:13). We have the same desire as John. We want the world around us to know that they, too, have eternal life in God’s Son. What letter can we write with our words and actions so that others can have the same confidence? What can we do in our lives so that others will share in this confidence? In this way, like John, our joy will be complete.

Love with Skin On #3 - Weightloss for Christians

This call to love is a difficult and tricky thing, How to do it is difficult to figure out in each given situation with each dear soul we encounter. It is likewise difficult because of our sinful nature and the pressures of the world. Yet, John refuses to call this love a burden. But how do we lift the load? How does the weight of this command get lifted from our shoulders so that “his command is not burdensome.” Today, we consider 1 John 5:1-5.

Love with Skin On #2 - Fearless Love

This Sunday, John teaches us to live with fearless love. We are, after all, at times, afraid to love. There are many reasons for this. We may be afraid that someone will take advantage of our love. We are afraid that our love may make us vulnerable. We are afraid that selfless, sacrificial love will leave us without enough. There are many reasons that we are afraid to love. “What if...” seems to be a repeated theme. Yet, John makes it clear: “Perfect love drives out fear....” Christ’s perfect and all-sufficient love for us drives out fear of God’s judgment and gives us security from God so that we will love others. 1 John 4:7-21.

Love with Skin On #1 - Spirit Powered Security

“God is love” (1 John 4:10). Love is not just part of what God does. It is who God is at his very core. It is his essence. But how do we know? He showed his love among us by giving his Son (1 John 4:9)— Jesus, who is God in the flesh. We might say then that Jesus is “love with skin on.” He makes God known by putting on human flesh, wearing skin, and becoming fully human. The same might also be said about you and me. We are the body of Christ, the visible representation of Jesus in the world. Yes, just as much as Jesus is “love with skin on” so are we.

As we finish our look at John’s first letter, we want to shift our focus outward to those who do not yet know Jesus. What letter can we write with our words and actions so that others can have the same confidence in Christ that we have? Our welcome to those who are guests at Mount Lebanon is one way that we can be “love with skin on.” Our life in the world is another way. What does our letter say? What does our life show? God showed us his love by putting skin on it. May he help us do the same!

Radical Love #7 - Secured by Love

Mother’s Day - it comes with a lot of different emotions from both mothers and from women who desire to be mothers. There also deep emotions from all of us regarding our mothers. There is great joy because of the gift they were/are to us. There may also be great pain because the relationship is broken or severed. What does God have to say to us as we work through the emotions that Mother’s Day brings? We’ll be looking at 1 John 3:7- 20.

Radical Love #6 - Fortified by Love

Ascension is a big deal. Over the years, I think we’ve forgotten about it. Or maybe we never really thought much about it. I won’t bother to speculate tonight why that might be. But I do want to start by simply saying: the Ascension of Jesus into heaven is a big deal. Let me just list some of the reasons. Let me briefly tell you why (and this will not be a complete list).

  • It means that Jesus has taken his seat at God’s right hand.

  • It means that Jesus sits and rules. All things are under his feet.

  • It means that Jesus intercedes for us now before the Father.

  • It means that Jesus is preparing a place for us with him for all eternity.

  • It means that Jesus would send his Holy Spirit. Remember he told his disciples, “Unless I go, I will not send the Holy Spirit.”

  • It means that Jesus is coming back for us.

John wants to fortify us in three ways: Our hearts, our homes, and our holiness. A look at 1 John 2:28-3:6.

Radical Love #5 - Love for the Truth

We live in dangerous days. The danger I speak of is not necessarily the danger on the roads or streets. The greatest danger we face is the constant assaults against the truth. That assault has been happening since the Evil One rebelled and was thrown out of heaven. Yet, we have an anointing from the Holy One, and we know the truth.  We know He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Continue in him, and we will be unashamed before him when he comes. 1 John 2:18-27

Radical Love #4 - Either/Or Love

Augustine, in “City of God,” writes about a rightly ordered love. He means that we have to get our love for things in the right order. We should love the things that are to be loved. We should not love the things that are not to be loved. John speaks more directly and clearly about what and who should be loved and not loved. It is an either/or love. You cannot love the world or anything in the world. It all passes away and will destroy you. We are called to love our Father in heaven. (1 John 2:15-17)

Radical Love #3 - Four Tests

How do you know?

That is one of the questions that John wants to help answer for us and in our hearts in this letter. Ten times in this letter, he states: “This is how you know...” He wants us to be sure and to know that we are remaining in God and walking in the light.

Today, as Pastor Chris officially begins his ministry here, we apply some of John’s tests to our own hearts as we study 1 John 2:3-14.

Radical Love - #1 - Fellowship Enjoyed

John opens his first letter with two crucial things. First, he identifies himself as a first-hand witness of Jesus and all that he did. He saw him. He touched him. He heard him. All with his own eyes, ears and hands.

From then on, Jesus had made it John’s mission to declare the One who is Life and Light to the world. John did this so that we may have fellowship with each other and fellowship with our God. Here is John’s goal for this letter:

“I write this so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:4

Scars #7 - Resurrection Scars

The death of Jesus left a nasty scar on the hearts and minds of his followers. The scar tissue was so deep it was hard to believe that he had risen. Things happen in our lives that make it hard to believe that Jesus has conquered death and lives and rules eternally. The scar tissue runs thick and deep. One thing cuts through the tissue and helps us to see clearly. Luke 24:1-12.

Scars #6 - Facing Death

When Jesus was dying and after he died, there were many different responses, just like there were a variety of responses to his entry into Jerusalem. Some mocked him. Some grieved, not understanding what was going on. Others saw this happen and believed in him. God, grant that we remember his death with faith and hope. Luke 23:39-56.